How Much Does it Cost to Maintain an Addiction?

Conversations about the national drug crisis usually address the toll on humanity—overdose deaths, crime, and the impact on society. But looking at it another way—in FINANCIAL terms—how much does it cost to maintain an addiction? The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that the abuse of and addiction to nicotine, alcohol, illicit drugs, and prescription medications has an…

Depression Treatment During COVID-19 Pandemic

Depression Treatment During COVID-19 As the stock market dropped to extreme lows recently and the outbreak of COVID-19 intensified, people in the United States began panicking. With already over 275,000 cases worldwide and more than 11,000 deaths, many governors and leaders are requesting that people only go out for essential items. Restaurants are closing their…

Do I Have Co-Occurring Disorders?

Do I have co-occurring disorders? It’s possible. More than 9 million people in America do, according to 2018 numbers. Co-occurring disorders happen when you suffer from two medical conditions, such as substance use disorder and depression, simultaneously. The proper term for this condition is a dual diagnosis, and help is readily available. Do I have Co-Occurring…

Benefits of a Tennessee Rehab Center

When people suffer from addiction, they can seek help at a variety of rehab centers around the country. However, Tennessee has some of the best drug and alcohol rehab programs in the nation. The benefits of a Tennessee rehab center are many. In some cases, people travel from across the country just to take advantage of…

Houston Mental Health Care Center

f you’re someone who’s struggling with symptoms of anxiety or depression as well as having an addiction, you may have co-occurring disorders. Many people don’t realize it, but most people with an addiction also have an underlying mental illness. Mental illness is one of the leading reasons as to why people begin abusing drugs or…

Heroin Overdose Symptoms

Coping with the reality of heroin overdose symptoms is something to prepare for in advance by learning what the heroin overdose signs are. Heroin is one of the most common opiates of abuse in the world, and a single-use typically causes severe addiction or death without immediate heroin overdose treatment. Some symptoms will be visibly…

Opioid Epidemic

If you or a loved one has an opioid use disorder, you may be looking for opioid addiction treatment in Massachusetts. Rockland Recovery Treatment Centers has highly trained and licensed therapists and other staff members dedicated to a full recovery for every client we help. Our sober living program helps those with alcohol or substance use…

Depression Treatment During COVID-19

The world around you is difficult at best. You look everywhere to see news reports of deaths and the number of people at risk of COVID-19. You also hear the professionals stating that everyone needs to stay at home, indoors, away from everyone else, and alone. You’re scared. You’re also feeling depression symptoms rise. If…

Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

For years, societies around the world have demonized marijuana. It’s been called a gateway drug. But as of late, we’ve seen Canada and many states in the United States legalize marijuana. It might make you wonder, is marijuana a gateway drug? Or have recent events changed that? Your child has grown up in a time…